Kalamazoo, Michigan
Market and Demand Study
Stakeholder Interviews and Focus Groups
Economic and Demographic Profile
Peer Institution Analysis
Highest and Best Use Assessment
Western Michigan University WMU) retained Johnson Consulting and Scion to explore a unique opportunity to re-imagine the South Neighborhood Sub-Campus. The vision was to create a mixed-use urban village that included amenities that would enhance the campus and the Kalamazoo community. Our scope of work included a detailed market assessment of a variety of potential land uses, including office, retail, residential, senior living, hotel, and recreation, among others. Additional objectives of our study were to identify which of those uses that would complement the guest experience at Miller Auditorium, possible housing and academic uses for the site, how the uses tie into the concurrent master planning efforts, as well as a previous master plan completed for WMU, what uses would enable a new gateway into the campus, and what types of financing should be considered for further implementation.