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Hammond Indoor Sports Complex

Writer's picture: Johnson ConsultingJohnson Consulting


Hammond, Indiana


  • Market analysis

  • Comparable facilities analysis Industry trends analysis

  • Market confirmation

  • Program recommendations

  • Demand projections

  • Financial pro forma


Johnson Consulting prepared a market assessment and financial analysis for the City of Hammond to determine the feasibility of developing an indoor sports complex. The City envisions the new facility will serve as a catalyst and an economic generator by attracting and hosting sports leagues, tournaments and other non-sporting events that draw visitors to Hammond. The first phase of our report assessed the viability of such a development given existing and projected market conditions in, and around, the City of Hammond. In addition to a market analysis, the first phase included a local and regional facility audit of existing facilities and a recommended preliminary program of facilities.

Johnson Consulting ultimately recommended an indoor facility measuring approximately 85,000 square feet with the following program of facilities: 8 basketball courts/16 volleyball courts, 2 indoor turf fields, Community Multipurpose Room, Concessions / Restrooms, Storage and Medical Office Space.

After receiving the necessary funding the City of Hammond engaged Johnson Consulting to conduct a financial analysis as a second phase of the study, including including demand and financial projections.

Johnson-Consulting-Strategic Planning.  Development Services.  Advisory Services.

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